5thstreetpicks Thoroughbred Racing

Handicap 4 horses and win more

Welcome to 5thStreet Greetings, fellow handicappers. If you're looking to save money on data and programs, consider using 1st/bet.com. By using a simple three-factor mix, you can increase your chances of hitting more winners, exactas, and trifectas in the top four. This straightforward mix can outperform any software program or AI prediction. The key challenge lies in selecting and deciding which one to use. If you are a skilled handicapper or sheet user, you have the potential to make money with this strategy. I highly Recommend On-Target Performance Ratings from trackmaster.com. All tracks for $99.95. Yes, they are sheet figs. I have no affiliation with them. I just think it's a great way to separate the top-4. I stay in all types of claiming races in sprints only. Please do the Top-4 after Scr's ( Use mix on any race )"Why am I giving away something that works so well, you may ask? It is important for people to understand that winning in horseracing is not difficult. The so-called professionals may want you to believe it is challenging, but when you have a winning strategy, it is crucial to stick with it no matter what."

Simple 3-Factor Mix

#1>Top speed on fast dirt track

#2>Top speed last 3 races

#3>Avg. top speed 2 of last 3 races